
photo credit: R. Steinitz

photo credit: R. Steinitz

Primate Community Ecology, Kibale National Park, Uganda

University of California, Santa Barbara

Competition over limited resources negatively impacts several species of fruit-eating primates in Kibale National Park, Uganda. By looking at energy balance in primates subjected to varying intensities of feeding competition, I aim to elucidate how food availability affects population size and resilience to natural and anthropogenic perturbation.

Advisor: Dr. Michelle Brown, UCSB

photo credit: USGS

photo credit: USGS

Bobcat Prey Preference, Southern California

United States Geological Survey

Studying the effects of the Southern California drought and fragmentation on bobcat prey preference

Collaborators: Dr. Erin Boydston, USGS, Dr. Carolyn Kurle, UCSD

photo credit: R. Steinitz

photo credit: R. Steinitz

Niche Partitioning in two species of endangered Iguanas, Dominican Republic

San Diego Zoo - Institute for Conservation Research

Using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of animal tissues to decipher food web interactions of wild rock iguanas (Cyclura spp.) in the Dominican Republic and to establish stable isotope discrimination factors of tissues from captive iguanas at the San Diego Zoo

Advisor: Dr. Carolyn Kurle, UCSD

Collaborators: Dr. Stesha Pasachnik, Jeff Lemm, San Diego Zoo - Institute for Conservation Research

photo credit: R. Dudley

photo credit: R. Dudley

Burrowing Owl / Ground Squirrel translocation project

San Diego Zoo - Institute for Conservation Research

Surveyed plants, animals and abiotic characteristics of several sites in San Diego County for their suitability for restoration as burrowing owl habitat